About Me

My name is Scarlett Mora, I am a 6th grade teacher with USD259, Wichita, KS. I am working towards a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis is technology. This blog will follow my journey as I discover new apps and sites to utilize in the classroom.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

PHET.... Online Labs

How many times have you had a topic or area of curriculum that you wish could be hands on but for whatever reason it just is not feasible? I love PHET online simulations.. students feel like they are playing a game , but are in fact learning. They have simulators covering all levels of math and science! You can search by grade level, subject area, topic or device. Many of the sims even have lessons plans that go along with them that you can use as in or adapt to better fit your classroom!  I do recommend previewing the sim with your students and going over with them how the site works as a class to save yourself some time and headache of individual questions.